Premium quality six-strand embroidery floss • Finest quality, long-staple, 100% Egyptian Giza cotton • 272 colors • 20 yard skein

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10011   Lavender Fields      
1002   Roxy      
10020   Thistle Mauve      
1003   Deep Sea      
10031   China Blue      
1004   Mango Margarita      
10041   Deep Coral      
1005   Cherries      
10051   Wine Castle      
1006   Berry Nice      
10061   Jillian's Sugar Plum      
1007   Soft Lights      
1008   Vanilla Ice      
1009   Surfs Up      
10090   Caribbean Surf      
10091   Caribbean Shores      
1010   Aloha      
1011   Indian Tapestry      
1012   Hidden Treasures      
1013   Blue Lagoon      
10130   Marbled Frosting      
10131   Captain Jack      
10140   Polar Ice Blue      
1015   Ice Blue      
10150   Sophias Cupcake      
10151   Royal Blue      
1016   Crystal Blue      
10160   Blueberry Ice      
1017   Overcast      
1018   Baby Blue Eyes      
1019   Moon Dust      
1020   Cloudy Skies      
1021   Tide Pools      
10215   Powder Blue      
1022   Rain Storm #1      
1023   Moon Shadows      
1024   Deep Blue Sea      
10241   Grapes      
10242   Ocean Eyes      
10244   Peacock Feathers      
10247   Cobalt Blue      
10249   Navy Blue Jeans      
1025   Blue Navy      
1026   Aqua Blue      
10261   Natures Berries      
1027   Terracotta      
10271   Harvest Gold      
1028   Wet Clay      
10281   Pirate's Gold      
1029   Sun Shadows      
10291   Porcelain      
1030   Butter Cream      
10301   Samson      
10302   Reflections      
10311   Honey Bee      
1032   Brown Sugar & Spice      
1033   Ice Tea      
10330   Spiced Peach      
1034   Chocolate Cream      
10340   Bark      
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*Important Disclaimer : The pictures presented on this web site are provided for general color information and illustration purposes only. Because of the differences in computer monitors, printers, other hardware and software combinations, the depicted results are intended to be used as approximations of color and not as definitive representations, and should not be relied upon or used as such.